Thanks to everyone who commented on the last post and left their soliedariedade the words you made me well, however can not say I'm better, I am unlike a lot worse until I had a really bad crisis hj, but anyway I will not tease you guys with this, hj came to leave a post to you guys, after all the blog can not stop my question, I hope you enjoy it, but it is simple at heart.
The food stylist (yes it exists, and between us should be legal like crazy because I think the meals are beautiful!) Linda Lundgren, Sweden, has been hired by a supermarket chain in Scandinavia (I!) To Hemköp to create images for your advertising campaign.

The images they see have all the same shape but show while improving diet and each with a particular color, I think she did well to leave his role attractive to food consumption, but it is two questions for you: 1 - You knew that there was purple cauliflower? Or she painted? rs 2 - Which of the images you like best?

Who wants to know more about the work of this artist here is her official site: http://lindalundgren.com/.

Source: http://marketingnacozinha.com.br/2010/06/estilista-de-comida/ and Google.

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