Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Best-lock Construction Toys

Łowicka Star

On a blog dedicated to Łowiczowi can not fail to mention this of which is known Lowicz throughout the country. No, this is not folklore. I am thinking of Lowicz JAM:) Many times after this when I informed the caller that
come from Lowicz heard "and is where the jams."
currently produces jams Agros Nova. A few words about the manufacturer:
Łowicz processing plant in operation since 1965. This year was born the brand name ŁOWICZ - today one of the most famous Polish food brands. The company was named The Fruit and Vegetable Industry ŁOWICZ, employed 340 people
In December 1990 the company was in Agros Holding SA, a company Agros ZPOW Lowicz.
In subsequent years, it underwent the adaptation to the requirements of the free market. Invested in new lines and repair facilities. The launch of the brand Fortuna. In March 2000 the group was spun off Agros Holding company Agros Fortuna Sp. Ltd., responsible for the processing industry of fruits and vegetables. Its members have also come out Lowicz processing plants in Bialystok and Tarczyn. Agros Fortuna Lowicz brand became a leader of jams and tomato, and the second largest producer of juices, drinks and nectars (brands such as Fortuna, Karotka, Tarczyn). January 16 Agros Fortuna. acquired by Polish Enterprise Fund, managed by Enterprise Investors.
At this point, the process of joining Agros Fortuna Sp. with Sonda SA (which was also owned by Enterprise Investors), completed on 29 December 2003, Agros Nova Sp. z oo plant in Lowicz Today is one of three plants belonging to the company and the brand Lowicz one of six strategic brands in its portfolio.
More Manufacturer: www.agrosnova.pl / wszystko_o_nas / index.html

Only official information from each other I can add that image are inseparable summer queues of lorries filled with fruits and vegetables, plant gate facing the street insurgents. And the smell of tomatoes floating around in this part of town ... ehhh ... carefree ...

plant produces are of course many other products, but today I want to focus only on the jam:)
Well: There are several flavors of jam, however, is probably the most popular strawberry jam, who won first prize and the title in the competition "Rarity" 2004. Jury of this contest were not professionals, but "ordinary bread eaters." I am eating a plum and porzeczkowymi.
In addition, the colored Jams are in your account such awards as: "Good for Polish", "Promotional Emblem Now Poland", "Gold Medal Polagra '94", "The most interesting food product of the year" and many others.
Personally, I do not eat the other jams and it is not only an expression of local patriotism:)
Łowicz for me are simply unbeatable: you are free to find a whole piece of fruit, are low-sugar, no preservatives and have a natural taste of fruit. Ideally suited as an additive to breads, waffles, pastries, pancakes.
are delicious even when eats with a spoon it straight from the jar or as an additive to tea (other mdlące sometimes):)

Nice ad I came out, but nothing that compared to this:


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